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Customer Reviews

I’ve been a patient here for over 5 years and have received excellent care and outstanding service from the front office. This routine cleaning I got on my most recent visit was with Tracy and she was cleaning I’ve received, excellent attention to all details to include pain avoidance. I was very pleased with the care I got.

David E., 01/21/2019

Excellent Dental care for the whole Family.

John M, 02/09/2019

Me & my family have been coming here for years. I've never felt more comfortable anywhere else then Mayo Dental. I recommend them to everyone I know. They're the best!

Priscilla P., 02/08/2019

I aways receive excellent care. Entire staff is friendly, professional and understanding.

Beverly B., 02/16/2019

Friendly, compassionate staff; have always had great service. Dr. Keer is excellent, very gentle and she has great skills. I used to REALLY not like the dentist, but now I don’t mind going at all. Did I mention how kind and friendly everyone is? They are great!

Diane T., 12/20/2018

Zoey is great and so are the Doctors and staff! I recommended this office to anyone who needs dental care.

Carolina G., 12/18/2018

Very friendly, I would recommend them to family/friends.

Hailey O., 12/07/2018

Good job, very clean office, love the fish tank, appointments are on time no delay.

Angela C., 11/16/2018

I was very pleased with the way I was treated. Not having been to the dentist in years, I felt welcomed, not judged and very friendly staff.

Anthony D., 11/15/2018

I have been going here for a few years now and they are always patient and caring with me.

Rebecca G., 10/06/2018

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